As dementia advances and words on a page become difficult, some may conclude that reading is no longer possible. The challenges of reading for someone with dementia are real and can be a source of great frustration. Hidden behind the frustration, however, is the desire to continue reading, and the preserved ability to do it.… Read More

Bookend generations come together through story– We generally think of reading aloud as something that is shared between an adult and a child; but imagine that the adult is an individual living with dementia . . . perhaps a grandparent.  Society often focuses on what people with dementia can no longer do, but researchers have… Read More

A beneficial tool for memory care– Older adults with dementia who have enjoyed reading all their lives can continue to read in different ways.  While some may read every word on a page, others may be more comfortable with single-word activities.   Three-part cards are illustrated, single-word activities that invite the participant to match picture to… Read More

It was in 2016 that I was first introduced to the work of award-winning dementia educator, Jennifer Brush, and her use of the Montessori approach with people living with dementia. The focus, first, on what individuals with dementia can do rather than the deficits resonated with my experience as a Montessori educator.   I was… Read More